
Lynx Small-Game Cleaver 167mm


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Weight, balance, and power forge a tactile experience to savor. Maker Torbjrn “Tobbe” Lundstrm begins this mid-size ‘small game’ cleaver with wide-stock Damasteel stainlessdamascus steel for ablade that offers both the strength and heftfor tough cuts and at the same time a thin, very sharp edge for efficient vegetable chopping, and even slicing work. A classic butcher’s cleaver hanging hole at the end of the blade delivers utility and a touch of nostalgia, matched nicely to the blade’s profile. The handle, as artful and utile, is shaped from spruce burl secured by a single mosaic pin, fitted to a ring of fossilized mammoth tooth, and finally, capped withincrediblelynx mosaicdamascus bolsters hand forged in Sweden’s north by MastersmithMattias Styrefors.As expected of a TobbeLundstrm creation, a saya is included made of reclaimed barn siding with a mammoth tooth pin.